
Barter Sale

We began this tradition in 2007 and it has been held annually since (apart from the first two years of the pandemic.) The sale is usually held on a Saturday in May or early June. This is a fun event where all donated items are free to our guests. All we ask is that each guest leaving with treasures writes a good deed that they pledge to do for someone else. This promise is written on a card and all the pledges are blessed the following day at the worship service. Only God knows how many people will be blessed by all the good deeds.

Pasty Sale

Christ Church was well known for having excellent pasties and many buyers would freeze their pasties for eating later in the fall at hunting camp. We had our 26th annual Pasty Sale in 2019. The pasty sale was started by the men’s group in 1993. The tradition was carried on with almost all in the congregation participating in the impressive production. It had become somewhat of an ecumenical production with members of the Spirit of Christ, the Healer community offering many helping hands. All proceeds went to local non-profit agencies. The Pasty Sale is not held at the present time, but we still have all the required equipment if the time comes again of renewed interest in having the production.

Silent Auction

We have had occasional Silent Auctions since 2006 with donations of new or gently used items and handmade treasures. Members bid against each other to ultimately own their favorite items. Proceeds go to funding a Camp Scholarship fund so children from Christ Church who wish to attend Episcopal Church Camp can receive financial assistance as needed.

Weekly worship service at River Grand Senior Community

Volunteers from our congregation provide weekly Morning Prayer worship on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. All are welcome.

Food collection

For the Local Food shelf.

Collection of coats, hats, mittens

For the local, annual Coat Drive at the Methodist Church.

Collection of school supplies

For the annual local Backpack Project

AA and Alanon

Groups in the local community use our space for weekly meetings.

Annual “Healing the Broken Heart” community service

We have been the host site for this event held each year during Lent. This is a service of support for survivors of sexual assault and violence, for the people who work with them, and for those who love them. It is sponsored by Support Within Reach and the Child Protection Task force at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.

Spirit of Christ, the Healer

An Inclusive Catholic Community led by the Rev. Maria Annoni, RCWP (Roman Catholic Woman Priest association). This spiritual community shares our space and has quarterly worship services on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 4pm followed by a potluck dinner. Additionally, since the years of the pandemic, they meet primarily on Zoom on the second and fourth Saturday of each month at 4pm. Contact Christ Church at 218-326-6279 for contact information for the Rev. Maria Annoni.
