
Come Worship at Christ Church

Sunday morning worship is at 10am with Holy Eucharist/Communion with music.

520 N Pokegama Ave, Grand Rapids, MN 55744

What to Expect at Worship

  • We follow a church calendar, celebrating the various seasons of the church year.
  • We hear four readings from Scripture each week; a reading from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, a Psalm which is sung or spoken responsively, and the Gospel.
  • We follow an order of service, and the liturgy is remarkably similar to Roman Catholic and Lutheran (ELCA) liturgies. The entire service is printed in the bulletin to make it easier to follow along.
  • We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday; also known as the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist, Mass. All people are invited to receive Communion. At the altar rail, the priest will offer you the bread and wine consecrated as the body and blood of Jesus Christ. To receive the bread, simply place your hands together, palms facing upward and the priest will place the bread into your hand. To receive the wine, simply guide the bottom of the cup that the minister will hold toward your lips and take a sip. If you prefer, you may dip (intinct) your wafer in the wine when you are offered the chalice. If you wish to receive a blessing rather than the Sacrament, simply cross your hands over your heart as a signal for the priest. Gluten free hosts are also available for those unable to consume wheat.
  • We are blessed with a wonderful, professional liturgical musician, Maria Annoni who provides music for our worship for the seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter. During the summer/autumn season of Pentecost, she provides music twice a month.
  • Our worship is formal but relaxed. We sing traditional music from our hymnal and we also sing more contemporary hymns with the music specifically chosen to complement the Scripture readings for the day. Our liturgy is from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer and the service that we participate in each Sunday is a form of the same service celebrated in all Episcopal churches in America and in the worldwide Anglican Union. It is a beautiful gift of ‘common prayer’, a shared experience that transcends time, place, language, and culture. There is a sermon each week, based on one or all of the Scripture readings for the day. The liturgy is beautiful, dignified, and joyful.
  • Children of all ages are encouraged to worship with their families. Activity bags are provided for use during the service.
  • Newcomers will be warmly greeted at the exchange of the Peace in the middle of the service. It is a time when all present joyfully greet one another in the name of the Lord.

We’d love to meet you.